Mega Blitz x10
A mega blitz világ az Imperia Online szabályzatait és mehanikát kövektezteti, de х10 szorozva játék sebességel, ami azt jelenti, hogy a fiókok fejlődése 10-szer gyorsabb mint világban normális sebességel. Ezért is a korszak folytatása különböző - a 3-k héten a kezdetétől megnyilik a Birodalmi uralkodók verseny. ha a4-k hét végéig a korszak kezdetétől semely szövetség nem nyeri meg a világot, a korszak hivatalosan bezáródik az Imperia Online adminisztrációjától. A következő lista a jellemző vonások és akcentusokat mutatja, amelyek minden játékos a mega blitzben szükséges, hogy tudjon, ameddig játszik:
- Production х10 – 10 times bigger amount of resources produced on 1 hour and 100 workers basis, namely - 100 wood / 20 iron / 50 stone.
- Gold income x10 – 10 times bigger amount of gold exacted as a tax on 1 hour and 100 workers basis, namely:
- Second level (very low) – +10 gold
- Third level (low) – +20 gold
- Fourth level (medium) – +30 gold
- Fifth level (high) – +40 gold
- Sixth level (very high) – +50 gold
- Population growth x10 – population number increases 10 times faster, but Nomad population limits and Imperian Houses’ capacities stay the same.
- The Happiness is not influenced by the game speed.
- Migration is not influenced by the game speed.
- Construction and research times are divided by 10.
- Instant construction is available if just 48 hours are remaining, and the instant research - 12 hours*.
* This is a basic limit. The higher the development, the net worth points and the number of diamonds spent for instant research, the higher the limit gets. - Resource transportation between annexed provinces while under attack takes 5 minutes. In peaceful times, it can be instant.
- Bank interest is limited to 30 000 000 a day.
- Bank loans offer 10 times bigger amounts and the paid off period is 168 hours.
- The paid 10-hour production can be received every 24 hours. The received amount of resources is 10 times bigger than in a normal speed realm because production is x10, but the price remains the same – 1700 diamonds.
- Colonizers travel to the selected colony spot 10 times faster, colony’s construction time is 1 hour.
- Units’ training time is 10 times shorter.
- Units’ speed is 10 times higher.
- Upkeep is multiplied by 10.
- The shortest mission in peaceful times is 10 minutes to active players and 2,5 minutes to an abandoned empire.
- Traveling between annexed provinces and to an independent province takes 2,5 minutes while under attack; 1 minutes and 15 seconds while an enemy alliance member is attacking, and can still be instant in peaceful times.
- The cool down period of independent provinces which still have resources is 10 times shorter.
- A province can be pillaged once every 17 hours. 4 pillages can be made by one player every 24 hours.
- Capitulation lasts for 17 hours. Player “x” has the right to capitulate to player “y” solely if in the 5 hours right before the capitulation “y” attacked “x” at least once, and “x” didn’t attack “y”.
- Automatically generated honor is +3 for Diplomacy Officers and 2 for all other players.
- Loyalty status stages are divided by 10, so the respective Happiness and Special bonuses are received at a 10 times earlier stage of the era.
- War duration is 17 hours. The cool down period between the declaration and the activation of the war is 1 hour.
- The shortest mission in a war is 10 minutes.
- A province can be pillaged every 8 hours in war.
- The cool down period (attack free) of newly founded/conquered alliance holdings is 1 hour.
Légy te is Fordító!
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